The term “addiction” does not only refer to dependence on drug substances such as cocaine. It could also mean the inability to stop partaking in activities such as gambling, eating, working, social media, sex, and many others.
As humans, we have activities we do daily and consistently. However, where do we draw the line and term something an addiction or call someone an addict?
- Inability to stop:
You would notice such a person cannot stop engaging in the activity even though it may be causing health problems or personal problems. Such problems could include poor performance at work, declining grades at school, and financial issues. They are unable to control their urges for that behavior; this is the first flag for terming something an addiction.
- Physical changes and restlessness:
You would also notice changes in mood, appetite, and even sleep whenever they are unable to take the substance or do that activity. They could experience severe episodes of restlessness or emotional turmoil until they are finally able to engage in it.

- Preoccupation with and constant thoughts of the behavior:
When an individual cannot do without that act and neglects other important activities, it is a sign of addiction. They are addicted if that behavior occupies their thoughts every time too. They would usually show a noticeable lack of energy in other daily activities.
- Denial:
They become defensive when asked about being addicted to what they are doing. Instead of admitting to being addicted, they’ll find ways to justify and continue the behavior.
- Relationship and social problems:
While trying to defend their addiction, they tend to make enemies with whoever attempts to point them to their addiction. They could react, using physical or verbal aggression, or total withdrawal from such person.
The signs of addiction differ from one person to another, depending on the type of addiction they have. But these are the general symptoms of an addict.