What is Oxycodone?
Oxycodone is a prescription medication derived from the poppy plant, which is typically prescribed for pain relief from moderate to severe pain.
Visually, it is a white, odorless crystalline power that is usually seen in the form of a small pill.
Why do people take Oxycodone?
While it is often prescribed for those in pain, it is also frequently abused…
If prescribed by a doctor and taken according to their instructions, Oxycodone can be a great relief from pain from those suffering from acute or chronic pain and can greatly improve their quality of life.
However, when abused, it is often used because it triggers a “high”, or euphoric effect. It can be ingested in a variety of ways:
- Intravenously
- Rectally
- Orally
- Transdermally
…and more. Especially once it has become an addiction, individuals will consume it in any way possible.
What are the effects of oxycodone?
The side effects of oxycodone can range from nausea and constipation to difficulty breathing, allergic reactions, and severe rashes. In addition to those symptoms, long-term users might also experience:
- Kidney or liver damage
- Respiratory distress
- Loss of appetite
- Seizures
- Physical dependence
…and more.
Just like most other drugs, Oxycodone is not intended to be used for a prolonged period of time in a way such as that in which it is used by addicts.
Oxycodone is classified as having a moderate to high dependence liability. Similar to other opiates and opioids, the continuous use of this drug can result in an increased tolerance to the effects of it.
Users can easily become addicted to this drug and become dependent on it – both physically and mentally.
It becomes a crutch and something they use to feel different.
Sadly, just because something is a prescription medicine does not mean it is not addictive.
While Oxycodone is not technically a gateway drug – meaning it leads the user to experimenting with other drugs – it does have that same effect. It might not be the first drug someone experiments with, but unfortunately, it probably will not be the last either.
Oftentimes, once the high of a specific drug is over, the user will not only continue to increase their usage as a means to continue getting high but will go out looking for something else to fill the void. Something else to offer that same sense of euphoria.
The opioid epidemic is real and is one that is killing millions of people around the world. Don’t let yourself, or someone you love, be next.